Unity 2000

...You mean...THIS PAGE?!!!

In Unity 2000 #2, Phil Seleski is explaining his motivation for "making things right" within the multiple Valiant Universes. At one point he holds up that funny comic book he read when he was a kid... Gold Key Dr. Solar #15... the book that started his wishing so long ago...

HOWEVER, the powers that be inserted VALIANT: Solar #1 instead! D'oh!

Here is the corrected sequence, thanks for Günter Bouwer

UPDATE: July 2000

Oops! Acclaim switched the cover AGAIN in the next issue! At least they were consistent there! Corrected panel is here, thanks again to Gunter:

Here it is with Dr. Solar #1 Here it is with Dr. Solar #15

Joe Petrilak's VALIANT Era Online has been archived in the original format (when possible), by VALIANT Revisited (VALIANTComics.com),
with Joe's permission. The purpose is to keep an archive of Joe's VALIANT work available online for many years to come.